Homecoming Hair Pageant
Queen & King of Beauty
Dear Esteemed Participant,
We extend our warmest gratitude for considering the esteemed and highly anticipated event, the Homecoming Queen & King of Beauty, as your next significant milestone in your beauty professional journey. It is with great pleasure that we welcome you as a potential contestant to the prestigious Style Mobb University's New Talent Homecoming Queen & King of Beauty Pageant.
The crowning event will take place at Style Mobb University at 6 PM. Enclosed below are the pageant rules, essential information, and additional details to guide you thoroughly through this exciting journey. We kindly request that you review the entire package attentively and reach out to Style Mobb University's Homecoming Director at homecoming@stylemobbuniversity.com for any queries or clarifications.
Your decision to participate in the competition demonstrates your dedication and passion for the beauty industry, and we commend your pursuit of becoming our Crowned King or Queen. We wholeheartedly believe that your involvement in this esteemed event will be an enriching and rewarding experience, showcasing your talent, creativity, and commitment in the beauty realm.
Thank you for your interest in competing, and we look forward to witnessing your journey towards the coveted title of Homecoming King or Queen of Beauty.
Warm regards,
Ms Tiffane Nicol
Rules & Regulations:
1. All contestants must be hair or beauty school students who graduated in 2024 and are awaiting licensure to become professionals. (Professional Queen & King of Beauty event coming in 2025).
2. The non-refundable registration fee for the pageant is $50.00 for SMU's Students and $75 for others. (No Checks).
3. Each category will have a time limit of (3) minutes, with 2 minutes allocated for set up. Live animals, fire, mechanical props (e.g., motorcycles) require prior permission from the Director.
4. All music for the pageant must be emailed to homecoming@stylemobbuniversity.com with the subject line: YOUR NAME, CATEGORY FOR MUSIC. All music submissions are due by October 21, 2024, at 8pm.
5. Contestants must be ready to start all categories promptly after the contestant before them has finished. Failure to be ready within 1 minute of being called will result in being skipped and a 1-point deduction from each judge.
6. Each contestant is allowed one backstage helper. Points will be deducted if more than one helper is present.
7. Professional conduct is mandatory. Unprofessional behavior such as fighting, arguing, or horseplay is prohibited. Any theft or tampering with another contestant's belongings will lead to immediate disqualification.
8. Contestants must keep dressing areas and passages clean and free of props. All unwanted materials must be disposed of properly.
9. Poor sportsmanship will not be tolerated. Any contestant causing disruption or destruction of property will forfeit their placement and prize money.
10. Winners must provide a promotional picture within 30 days of the crowning.
11. The Style Mobb University Pageantry System reserves the right to make financial decisions for circumstances not covered by the rules.
12. Winners must obtain professional licenses within 12 months of being crowned, unless still actively attending school.
13. Winners must maintain a positive representation while holding the title of Homecoming Queen/King of Beauty.

Category Description
Presentation: (1-10)
Contestants will be evaluated on the creativity of their presentation, taking into consideration whether it aligns with the criteria description, poise, hair, and makeup. The Fantasy Hair Theme "Villain vs Superhero" allows contestants to showcase their skills by creating a fantasy hair piece on a model to represent the theme. Contestants have seven minutes to present their intricate hair piece, which must be installed using Bold Hold Lace Products. Stability, natural-looking hairline, fullness, and freedom of movement are key considerations for the judges. Contestants may present using a model or themselves, introducing themselves on the mic during the presentation. (example "Hi, I'm Tiffane a student at Style Mobb University. I'm your contestant number 3 and tonight I present "The Hulk" in the villain and superhero them.") Judging criteria include hair stability, execution, overall presentation, and performance.
Gown/Formal Wear Hair: (1-10)
Contestants will be judged on their presentation of evening gown or formal wear hair, including factors such as walk, poise, accessories, jewelry, makeup, garment length, and model's overall look. Using a lace unit method (closure, frontal, or wig) with Bold Hold Products is required. Judges will assess how well the contestants present their chosen style and evaluate the overall look and presentation.
SportsWear Sleek Hair: (1-10)
Contestants have the option to choose sleek and smooth hairstyles for the SportsWear category, such as bobs, ponytails, and bust downs. Utilizing a lace unit method (closure, frontal, or wig) with Bold Hold Products is mandatory. Judges will evaluate how well the contestants present their selected style, focusing on their ability to walk, showcase the garment, hair, makeup, proper fit, and accessories.
Prize Packages
Homecoming Queen or King Winner:
- $500 Cash Prize ($400 awarded at crowning, $100 to be given post-event)
- Crown, Pin, Sash, Award
- Complimentary Promotional Photoshoot
- Hair showcases throughout the year
- Mandatory All-Black attire for crowning
- Presence at Style Mobb Events with full crown, sash, and/or pin required for official appearances
- Bookings and appearances contingent on dedication to the system; additional bookings secured based on consistent performance
First Runner-Up:
- $150 Cash Prize
- Award
Second Runner-Up:
- $50 Cash Prize
- Bold Hold Product Kit
Note: Any contestant walking off stage or displaying unprofessional behavior will forfeit their prize package.